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Details and Register Here
August 8 - 11, 2024
Thursday 4pm - Sunday 2pm
Land of Medicine Buddha

Pricing Options are tailored to suit everyone's needs
Standard Level: Our standard fee for a full retreat experience.
Supported Level: A discounted fee for those in need of financial aid.
Sponsor Level: A portion of these fees goes toward assisting those in need at the Supported Level.

Retreat with
and yoga teacher friends
Denise Wendler
Cathy Hutton
Divya Zuccaro
Radha Vignola
Carolyn Bowman

Personal Note from Julianne:

I'm thrilled to offer our Long 4 Day Weekend Summer Yoga Retreat at the Land of Medicine Buddha. Imagine arriving on Thursday, taking deep breaths, and settling into a time of relaxation, re-set and renewal.  Our full program with lots of free time will include time to connect with amazing teachers, each other and what’s deep down real for you. Sample schedule and more details on my website here.


Overview: Embark on a rejuvenating journey on our Yoga Retreat in the Redwoods at the Land of Medicine Buddha. Enjoy four days and three nights of holistic wellness, including several master yoga teachers. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned yogi, this retreat offers a harmonious blend of yoga practices, workshops, immersive experiences, and tranquil moments to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Join us and a delightful staff of lifelong dedicated yoga teachers amidst the serene Redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains in Soquel, California. Recharge and fortify your inner resources and make meaningful connections in this remarkably unique and tranquil setting at the Land of Medicine Buddha. Every moment will be an invitation to unwind, recharge, reset, renew and rediscover the joy and mystery of being alive.


Ready to laugh, cry, realign, renew, refine and uplift?
A one-of-a-kind immersion, an atypical vacation, and an opportunity for transformation all in one.



The Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB) in Soquel, California, not far from Silicon Valley, has been a destination for refuge, retreat and renewal, for many decades. It is beloved by those, including myself, who live and love to be inspired by nature, beauty and a wellspring of spiritual resources. LMB, is a home for many seekers (some who live there, most who are blessed to visit there) and has its roots in Tibetan Buddhism.

PHOTO SLIDE SHOW of retreats with Julianne and friends

Sample of Daily Schedule   (subject to change)

THURSDAY  Arrival and Grounding

  • 4pm: Registration. Gentle Stretch. Check In. Review of weekend schedule.
  • 6pm: Dinner
  • 7:30pm: Gentle Yoga and Deep Relaxation - Julianne

FRIDAY  ReCharge

  • 7am: (optional) Energization Exercises or Morning Walk 
  • 8am: Breakfast
  • 10am - 12n: Yoga Workshop - with Julianne, comprehensive workshop working all parts of the body - emphasizing hip opening and meditative awareness
  • 12:30pm: Lunch
  • 1:30pm: Free Time & Guided Hikes
  • 6pm: Dinner
  • 7:30pm: Sound Immersion in the Meadow under the Stars with Tibetan teacher, Kalden Kho

SATURDAY  ReSet and ReNew

  • 7am: (optional) 5 Tibetans Yoga or Morning Walk 
  • 8am: Breakfast
  • 10am - 12: Yoga Workshop - Shoulders, Neck and Upper Back with Denise Wendler
  • 12:30pm: Lunch
  • 1:30pm: Free Time & Guided Hikes
  • 6pm: Dinner 
  • 7:30pm: Relax with Radha (Integral Yoga) - Radha Vignola

SUNDAY   Integration and Reflection

  • 7am: (optional) Chair Yoga with Carolyn or Morning Walk 
  • 8am: Breakfast & Pack Up
  • 9:30am: Hike and Yoga - Meadow to Grove to Enchanted Forest
  • 11:30am: Closing Session - Pine Room
  • 12:30pm: Lunch & Farewell with a heart full of gratitude, tools to continue your yoga journey, and cherished memories.

Free Time: Opportunity for personal reflection, immerse yourself in nature's splendor taking walks by the creek, to the enchanted forest or on the 8 verse trail, swim and sauna, relax and enjoy great company, explore the retreat center's amenities and take time to just be.


Accommodations: Private rooms available for an additional $75 per night. Early registration recommended. Private bathrooms in all rooms.


Food: Enjoy and nourish your body and soul with flavorful, healthy, homemade vegetarian meals prepared just for you, using fresh, local ingredients. Special dietary needs can be accommodated. Complimentary beverages and cozy seating available in the dining room 24/7. There is a refrigerator and a microwave in the dining room for your use.


Bring a friend:

Many have mentioned that coming with a friend provides an extra special element. By spreading the word among your friends, you may find that there is someone interested that you would have never guessed would be. Renew an old friendship, spark a new one - you never know. A retreat space like this can be magical - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Cost & Registration: This cost includes everything - 3 nights/4 days lodging and food, all programs and grounds and facility use fees


Price per person

  • Supported Level: $825 (Shared Room) discounted fee for those in need of financial assistance. A portion of these costs will be supplemented by those who donate at the Sponsor Level. There are a limited amount of these spaces available.
  • Standard Level: $975 (Shared Room), $1200 (Private Room) 
  • Sponsor Level: $1125 (Shared Room), $1350 (Private Room)  a portion of this fee goes to assist others who are in need, at the Supported Level

This link below is a good way to go if you are interested in a payment plan, would like to pay with a credit card and/or would like to compare the different pricing packages.

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If you are paying IN FULL you can send directly to Julianne Rice through:

Zelle: BMO Banking

Personal checks: email for street address


Cancellation Policy: No refunds. Future retreat credit available. Exceptions apply. If another person can take your place a full refund is possible, minus a $35 admin fee. Check these Terms and Conditions for full details.

Secure your spot and embrace this transformative journey. 

Join us for a soulful experience amidst nature's beauty.

Custom Retreats

Have you ever thought, known or felt that  “All is well” yet, deep down, felt like maybe there was something missing you couldn’t put your finger on? Have you ever thought that a little “special” time away with yourself, or with a special someone or someones, might help with that? Might that bring back a sense of connection to yourself, to another,  to your God? Might be the personal and/or professional reset that you’ve been needing?


I now offer Custom Retreats in the Santa Cruz mountains. I can design one for you (or you can design it together with me) to suit your needs, interests, personality, stage of life and more. If you are unsure what this could be like, be sure to read the testimonial below.


Here is a short list of the types of experiences possible. Retreats for:

  • Individuals — career re-evaluation, retirement/semi-retirement next steps, emphasis on personal/professional transitions or personal deep dives
  • Couples — a unique anniversary gift, bring back a sense of connection, have fun in nature, enjoy the basics and each other
  • Families and/or friends — celebrations, reunions, any excuse to play and be together
  • Special events — birthdays, retirements, transitions
  • Your company or organization — team building, strategy sessions, celebrations
half lotus in the trees
savasana on tree

What would a custom retreat be like?

Imagine a couple of cabins in the Santa Cruz mountains nestled in the redwoods, one for each of us. With your input, I have created a schedule for the days we are together, based on goals and intentions that we mutually agreed upon beforehand.


Activities could include: (remember, everything is optional)

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Guided meditations and course materials appropriate to individual goals and intentions
  • Labyrinth walks
  • Star-gazing and moon bathing
  • Nature hikes
  • InterPlay
  • Mindful meal prep/eating and shared meals (or catered meals)
  • Storytelling
  • Memoir writing, personal reading and writing, and/or journaling
  • Vision boarding
  • Crystal bowl sound healing
  • Dancing, singing, playing favorite instruments
  • Hobbies of your choosing

This is a gift of experience to yourself and/or to another/others. An experience that will be tailored just for you. You will have the resources, presence and accountability of an experienced teacher and guide to remind you to enjoy the moment, and to support you to move, with laser focus, toward the next steps of what you really want.

Contact me for more information. Imagine. Consider sharing this experience with another and/or offering it to them as a gift. The gift of “experience” is unique and can touch the heart deeply.

Testimonial of a Redwood Solo Retreat with Julianne

I am so grateful for my personalized retreat with Julianne, timed perfectly just as spring unfolded! Based on my desire to gain a clearer vision of my transition from an intense full-time career to the next fulfilling phase, Julianne designed a custom workshop retreat to make headway on my goal. I appreciated her thoughtfulness and attention to detail not only in how to use a variety of different modalities, but also on healthy eating, resting, sleeping, keeping costs reasonable and transitions between spaces during our time together.


Julianne is a deeply experienced teacher and guide, with plans that are flexible to go with the flow of our energy and breakthrough moments. I also really appreciated her keeping me focused on my stated intentions when distracting stories came up, pausing to offer her noticing and perspectives in the moment, and uncovering and honing insights. The modalities Julianne incorporated for me personally included nature walks, InterPlay, noticing, meditation, yoga for two, labyrinth walking, animal cards, dance, mindful eating, prayer, master lessons and resource recommendations… all served up with abundant laughter and hugs, and the occasional releasing of tears. Julianne exudes confidence, and also shares her own insights from our time together — she is the epitome of a lifelong learner. We wrapped up by creating a transition plan back to the “real world” and a daily self-care plan. It sounds jam-packed, but it felt intentional and easeful throughout our two day retreat!

Past Yoga Retreats

Exploring the Temple of Spirit
A One Day Yoga and Meditation Retreat with Julianne Rice
October 22, 2022 • Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

This retreat day was a time to slow down long enough and dive deeply enough within to find a felt-sense of being alive. With instruction and practice, reflection and connection, we were aware of the body/mind as an instrument of peace, as a friend. With a welcoming of all body types, we enjoyed the awareness of being fully embodied and peaceful in the present moment. Grace moves through Spirit and the body/mind in ways that sometime go unnoticed.

Yoga Retreat 2022
August 26 – August 28 • Land of Medicine Buddha

Julianne Rice with Calvin Darling and Cathy Hutton

  • Daily Yoga for Every Body

  • Guided Hikes in the Redwoods (choice of gentle or moderately strenuous)

  • Great Company and Free Time

  • Contemplation and Meditation 

  • Deep Relaxation
  • Discussion

  • Music under the Stars (John Grassadonia – guitar & vocals, Stu Wilson – violin)
  • Swimming and Sauna

  • Mindfulness Practices

  • Time Alone and Time Together

  • Cozy Quarters and Delicious Food

LMB Retreat Center

The Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB), is a Tibetan Buddhist community nestled in the Santa Cruz Mountains and is just about an hour’s drive from Silicon Valley. It has been and is an oasis of refuge, retreat, and renewal for spiritual seekers, nature lovers, and the global community.
Learn more about LMB here

Retreat into the Heart
Sunday, March 13, 2022 • Quaker Center, Ben Lomond

Calvin Darling, Cathy Hutton and I led this journey into the heart of nature, spending time on our yoga mats and enjoying the company of friends. It was an opportunity to look into your heart, revisit your heart’s desires, and take care of the “you” underneath all the busy-ness. The “you” that needs special time away from it all, in a space allowing you to unwind and reset. This small, 12-person event provided an intimate setting that facilitated deeper connections. 


Retreat into the Heart – we carried this theme throughout our day and onto our mats. Practicing yoga is a wonderful way to care for the heart. The breathing practices, especially ujjayi (victorious breath) and alternate nostril breaths strengthen the heart/mind connection and as a result help to balance and steady the activity of the heart. Standing poses help to strengthen the heart. And, the heart opening exercises help to relieve tension, improve circulation and lift our mood – relieving stress and settling the heart, literally and metaphorically.

In the redwoods

“When it comes to matters of the heart, all aspects of Yoga in one way or another serve to embrace, warm, nourish and settle the heart.”

Connect and Thrive 2021
September 29 – Oct 3, 2021 • Quaker Center, Ben Lomond
Led by Julianne Rice (with Calvin Darling and Cathy Hutton)

Julianne hiking

“My body is a magnificent vehicle that connects me to my wholeness. A wholeness of Spirit where body, mind, and breath work together as one unit.”

For those who are dedicated (or are yearning to be more dedicated) to their practice and love working deeply, this 5-day retreat at the Quaker Center in Ben Lomond was perfect. Tucked away, snuggled in the arms of mother nature, we enjoyed our time dwelling together, hanging out, addressing personal challenges, getting questions answered “in person,” and taking the time to reflect/release/recreate in an atmosphere inviting breakthroughs to new ways of seeing and being.


We were blessed to have our whole foods plant-based meals prepared by Beth Love, founder of Eat for the Earth. We did yoga and learned more about its essence. We looked at the importance and meaning of satsang (community), sadhana (practice) and seva (service) as well as mining for the meaning of “less is more.” We hiked, had free time, connected deeply to ourselves and to each other. We spent time alone, some time in silence, and enjoyed some very special evening programs.


Rooms in redwood log cabins are lovely and comfortable, and there was an option for camping as well. The location is breathtaking and is easy to get to from Silicon Valley.

Group Retreat Testimonials

I really have enjoyed Julianne’s yoga retreats. She is a very good teacher and the retreats are always a lot of fun. Yoga, hiking, good company, and great food, too. I’m looking forward to her next retreat.

Rich Hubbard

I strongly recommend going on retreat with Julianne. Her kind and generous teaching is a great gift to give yourself. On retreat with her, I got to be very quiet, slowed down, and reconnected with nature.

Stephanie Antoine

My retreat with Julianne at the Land of Medicine Buddha was the first yoga retreat I ever attended. I was nervous at first. I had taken classes with Julianne for a long time, but I expected that there would be a qualitative difference between attending a single class, and an entire weekend. I was right in thinking that there is a qualitative difference. I was wrong in what that qualitative difference was. I had imagined that I’d be doing yoga for 14 hours a day, and emerge from the weekend exhausted and brutally sore. Not so. I finished that weekend, thanks to Julianne and the other attendees, an energized and transformed person.


A weekend retreat with Julianne is a true gift of joy, life and learning – from the moment you drive up, there is a sense of peace. I so enjoyed deepening my yoga practice on a physical level and a spiritual level. There were so many wonderful treats in the weekend from new poses to experiencing a concert in the meadow, a meditative walk along the trails and the sound of laughter ringing in the hills. Thank you, Julianne – I am looking forward to your next adventure!

Cheryll Getsinger

Because an overall perception I gained was that the sensation of effervescent grace and beauty was ever there to be experienced, I asked myself “Would I ever be attentive enough to see it?” The beginning of that seeing came at my retreat with Julianne, through the stillness of that sacred space. It came in the shimmering of wind chimes in the trees, with little else but the soft landing of dust motes to punctuate a silent meditative hike. It was ushered in with the calm after-dinner walks back to my room accompanied by the sound of monks chanting in the temple and the relieving, positive, absence of electronic devices ringing and beeping.

Michelle Sandell

My retreat was the best. I enjoyed the people and the forest. The schedule felt balanced and just right. I loved walking outdoors, laughing with others and learning new things about the way to practice yoga. I especially enjoyed how I was gently guided to make the practicing of my asanas more pleasurable and ultimately more transformative overall. I can’t wait to go again.

March 2022 retreat participant

Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are.

~ Erich Schiffmann

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