Growth and Discovery Book Study
“Thy Self-realization shall blossom forth from thy soulful study.”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
- Tuesday bi-monthly gathering
- Thursday bi-monthly gathering
Contact Julianne with your interest.
Our Growth and Discovery Book Study Groups are a fun place to explore a book and/or course materials mindfully, carefully and completely. They are an environment designed to support peaceful, deep study and heartfelt connection.
We meet twice a month, 7:30 – 8:30pm, and move through our books at a leisurely pace. Our meetings occur in a safe container and include short meditations, a group welcome, individual sharing based on our readings and how they affect us personally, Q & A and discussion.

Who would be interested in this group?
Anyone interested in growing and learning, anyone who would enjoy the company of a like-minded community, all those who wonder about the “more” of yoga and anyone interested in the celebration and transformation of body, mind and spirit.
How can I engage?
~ Embrace the commitment
~ Attend as often as possible, in a way that is reasonable for you, a way that supports your schedule, a balanced lifestyle and is at your level of comfort.
~ Dive in with both feet.
~ Dip your toe in and test the waters.
~ Choose one, a few or many ways to engage such as:
Read. Write. Listen. Reflect. Share. Introspect. Search. Find. Contemplate. Assimilate. Integrate. Analyze. Question. Celebrate. Connect.
Thursday Growth and Discovery Book Study
Our Thursday Growth and Discovery Book Study Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays (7:30 – 8:30pm) of each month. We are reading the book Beauty: The Invisible Embrace. Contact Julianne with your interest.
We move through our books at a leisurely pace. Our meetings occur in a safe space and include short meditations, a group welcome, individual sharing based on our readings and how they affect us personally, Q & A and discussion. As a group, we broaden our understanding of the ideas in our books by experiencing the varied perspectives of others. We are often inspired to apply our new understandings to our lives and sometimes surprise ourselves and each other with unexpected, transformational, and positive results.
There is no set fee for this group. It is offered on a donation basis; meaning, if at any time(s) you would like to donate any amount you can do so. Please feel free to make your donations on a monthly or quarterly basis, through Venmo: @Julianne-Rice or Zelle: Julianne Rice BMO Banking or by check. More donation details HERE.
Tuesday Growth and Discovery Book Study
Our Tuesday Growth and Discovery Book Study Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (7:30 – 8:30pm) of each month. We are reading the book The Science of Religion. Contact Julianne with your interest.
This original Growth and Discovery Book Study Group started gathering as a community on Zoom at the beginning of the pandemic. The need for connection was great and it served as a delightful place for us to gather in community and nourish our hearts and minds. It continued through the next few years, seven amazing books and the development of rich and satisfying friendships. We just finished reading Autobiography of a Yogi. This book is a seminal work in Yoga’s recent history that is responsible in so many ways for having introduced millions to Yoga in the US and Europe (and worldwide).
We move through our books at a leisurely pace. Our meetings occur in a safe space and include short meditations, a group welcome, individual sharing based on our readings and how they affect us personally, Q & A and discussion. As a group, we broaden our understanding of the ideas in our books by experiencing the varied perspectives of others. We are often inspired to apply our new understandings to our lives and sometimes surprise ourselves and each other with unexpected, transformational, and positive results.
There is no set fee for this group. It is offered on a donation basis; meaning, if at any time(s) you would like to donate any amount you can do so. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Feel free to make your donations on a monthly or quarterly basis through Venmo: @Julianne-Rice or Zelle: Julianne Rice BMO Banking or by check. More donation details HERE
Past Books

Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramahansa Yogananda

Light on Life
B.K.S. Iyengar

Tree of Yoga
B.K.S. Iyengar

Yoga: The Spirit & Practice
Erich Schiffman

The Jewel of Abundance
Ellen Grace O'Brian

Seven Spiritual Laws...
Deepak Chopra & David Simon